Sunday, 15 November 2009

How Naturopathy is used for back pain

From Family.Gather.ComHow Naturopathy Treatment Is Used For Back Pain
More good stuff, I think.
For many individuals living with daily back pain, naturopathy treatment has become a viable alternative to conventional measures in providing relief. The base concept of naturopathy is to utilize the body's ability to heal itself by promoting common-sense curative practices designed to heal from within. It is also quite common for practitioners of naturopathy to incorporate conventional measures into a wellness plan, using the best of both disciplines with a patient's best interest at heart. While extensive studies of the benefits of naturopathy are lacking in large numbers, patients who have been helped by it's use swear by the positive features of it's practice.

Naturopathy as used for back pain can use one singular method of treatment or a combination of many, including some non-invasive conventional measures. Acupuncture, relaxation therapy exercises, massage, reflexology, diet advice and lifestyle counseling all fall within the general parameters of naturopathy, with each serving a designated purpose in addressing back pain. A Doctor of Naturopathy may recommend manipulation, herbal treatments or simple exercise in enabling an individual to become their own greatest benefactor in the healing process. In naturopathy, treatment for back pain tends to address causes for the presentation of pain rather than the treatment of symptoms. In this manner naturopathy can prevent future incidents simply through the removal of the root cause of the patient's back pain.

A Doctor of Naturopathy utilizes many of the same diagnostic tools used in conventional medicine such as x-rays and MRI's, however the approach used in treatment is quite different. In naturopathy, back pain may be treated by something as simple as massage and changes in diet and lifestyle, while it may be recommended to the same patient by a a doctor of conventional medicine that surgery is required. While each doctor may present a valid case for their recommendations, the final treatment option lies with the patient suffering back pain. In it's truest sense, naturopathy always stays away from extreme or invasive measures such as surgery, radiation or strong medications that present possible difficulties with side-effects. In their place, naturopathy looks at a combination of often minor adjustments to overall lifestyle that can have a large cumulative impact of stopping back pain by enabling the body to correct itself.

Unfortunately, the practice of naturopathy to treat back pain is limited to a certain extent to those who are open-minded enough personally to attempt something different from the norm. This is also apparent in the fact that many if not most major health insurance carriers do not recognize or pay for naturopathic treatments.

1 comment:

Thomas @Order Carisoprodol Online said...

Great post. If we have back pain, with no doubt we will rush for doctor to relieve the pain. The doctors will prescribe pain killers in order to heal the pain but if we keep on taking those medication it will affect our health one day. Therefore, from my side Naturopathy sounds nice and doesn’t need to take drugs or medication to relieve the pain. I do have a back pain sometimes and I also hate to go for medication. So,I think Naturopathy is the right option for me.