Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Hello again.
I have known a lot of people who suffered from Sciatic pain, to various degrees of discomfort. Few were aware of the fact that the Sciatic nerve is one of the biggest nerves in the body. Some knew that it seemed to start in the lower back, split and go across the buttocks and down the backs of the legs and terminate near the back of the knees. They knew this because this was where the pain was felt the most. When I first started to help people my "tools" were limited to massage and Reflexology. An lady I had known since a child heard that I was able to help people and asked for help. She was then in her late sixties and her main love was her garden. Sciatic pain caused her so much pain and misery as she was unable to bed over, or even kneel down to work. After 2 Reflexology treatments, general foot work, with a little longer round the back and sciatic reflex areas, the lady seemed to be on the mend. In fact a few days after the 2nd treatment she told me she could now work, quite easily, in her garden. Over the years I have acquired new tools, I use Reflexology less, but massage is still popular. I find that there is usually something in the "tool box" to help most people.
If anyone has any comments, I would love to hear from you.
Do you suffer from Sciatic Pain? If you want to know more about the Holistic answers to sciatic pain, then please go to http://www.backpainloss.com/ for more information.

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