Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Posture and Back Pain

Hello again, sorry for the delay in posting.
Have you any idea of the number of people who are suffering to various degrees with posture related back pain?
I have no figures to hand, but the fact that large companies carry out worstation assesments on a regular basis certainly makes me think. Some years ago I had a client who presented with shoulder and lower back pain. The pain was enough for her to come to me and ask for a massage treatment. I gave her a fullbody massage, concentrated on her shoulders and back, pelvis and legs. She left feeling greatly relaxed, less the pain. A week later she was back with the same pain. Again I corrected her body, and she left feeling as good as before. A week later she was back again with the pain and I massaged her. This was repeated about 5 times before we sat down and discussed her work and home routines. Eventually we discovered that at work she sat twisted in front of a VDU, with a telephone handset held between her head and kneck. After a discussion with her employers, the workstation set up was canged and I lost a client.
I will be talking more about posture on my website, but if you have any questions please dont hesitate to drop me a line.

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