Sunday, 26 October 2008

More about stress

Here are some wise words about anxiety from a doctor
"How to Eliminate Anxiety Without Drugs How to Eliminate Anxiety Without Drugs
October 25, 2008

Do you know that chemical imbalance is not a primary problem, but a secondary problem?

That’s right if you have mental or emotional issues, unless you’ve suffered a head injury, it’s a side effect of other trauma.


Poor lifestyle
Continual stress, anxiety, and fear
Neurological distress syndrome
Leaky gut syndrome
Inadequate vitamin, mineral, and enzyme consumption
An imbalance in fatty acids
For most people -all of these traumas are a continual reality of their life.

Thankfully, there is a natural way to recover as SSRIs (Anti-depressants like Luvox, Effexor, Prozac, Paxil Wellbutrin, etc. etc.) are some of the most, if not the most, dangerous medications people can purchase today.

Exercise is consistently found to be as or more effective than depression and antipsychotic medications. Therefore, a lack of exercise can cause depression and psychotic episodes.

Other benefits of exercise: Builds the systems that surround

Decreases Blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Increases your ability to bring in and utilize oxygen, the body’s most important nutrient.

Many of you may already do some kind of exercise, but we are learning that much of what we thought about exercise in the past has turned out to be wrong. Dr. James will be sharing the most cutting edge information on exercise physiology and showing you how to apply it in 20 minute workouts that will quickly get you in the best shape of your life. This class will be on this Thursday.

This is an important opportunity for all. Please make sure to reach out to people you know who suffer or you would just like to see happier.

Dedicate this 1 hour of your time and encourage others to do so. It’s sure to bring a much greater return than reality T.V.

Written by Dr. Justin James "
Hope this was of interest.

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