Monday, 13 October 2008

What is Pain, cont

Hello again
Yesterday I was trying to explain that damage to one part of the body, may have an effect on other parts. For instance my daughter had a birth problem with one foot. A slight spur of bone on right foot. It was picked up by our dentist who could not explain the overbite in her jaw. An Amatsu practitioner traced the fault and over a period of several months attempted to balance my Daughters body. In the end he insisted we get the foot Xrayed, with the result the sour was found. It was never truly resolved as the spur regrows and medical science wanted to fuse the the foot, then in time the leg. My daughter lives the annoyance and I am on hand to mobilize her foot when the pain gets bad.
Also I was attempting to male the point that physical pain may have an emotional cause. When I took my second year Amatsu examination I carried out what I thouht was a satisfactory balance. However the fellow student I worked on did not agree. Her right shoulder did not respond to my efforts, and was getting frustated. The lady told me not to get upset as both the Instructors had worked on it, without success. Her actual words were, "no one can do anything untill its ready"
Several years later after an NLP course I realised that people have all sorts of physical problem, phobias and fears that have an emotional root. Untill the root cause is addresed the issue wont go away.
This involves, in many cases, reliving the original trauma. Which might work or might bring some other problem. I am reading a book on TM (meditation) and the underlying believe there is by meditating you ease/loose stress. This reduces or eliminates personal issues without the need to face demons. Seems quite interesting.
I will get back to more reasonable length postings.
Bye for noe.

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