Saturday, 28 March 2009

Back Pain

From the Brooklyn Daily Eagle

A Memoir of Surviving Pain
by Brooklyn Eagle (, published online 03-24-2009

Q&A With Author Greenberg
BROOKLYN HEIGHTS — Lynne Greenberg was lucky in life. Happily married, she and husband Eric were raising their young son and daughter on idyllic Garden Place. She taught literature, with passionate interest in the material, at Hunter College. Her injuries from a horrific car crash at age 19 had “miraculously” healed.

Twenty-two years after the accident, an onset of chronic pain revealed that the vertebra — precariously close to the brain stem and spinal cord — had never healed. Unable to walk her kids the five blocks to school, always at a “three or higher on a pain scale of one to five,” Greenberg began an exhaustive search for the doctor who could help her reclaim her life.

This is a facinating article that can be read at
You can also read more abot back pain at

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