Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Back Pain can be a real pain

Hello and welcome.

We are experiancing hot weather in the UK right now. I get home, get changed, cook a meal just in time to watch the sun go down.

Acouple of friends and I went for a walk yesterday in the noon day sun, it was a nice day, the sun was shinning and the company pleasant. I managed to get dehdrated and arrived home, cooked a meal and started to feel unwell. A short time later I began to feel unwell and spent the evening in bed. I I became because I allowed myself to become overheatede and did not take the simple precautions that, in hindsight were obvious and simple.

The same applies to back pain. I have a pain in my shoulder, on the right side, caused by excessive data entry, a repetiitive strain injury, aggrivated by bad postueg and stresss. The event happened months ago, but the pain returns if I sit in a certain position, hold the mouse and look at the screen, I dont have to grip the mouse or type. I have "learned" this pain.

My cure away from home is to mobilise the shoulder and "walk" along the csapula with my fingers, finding the the little lumps of lymph that I can only find if I rub against bone. At home we use Aloe Vera heat rub. It works for everything from sore and tired muscles, to headaches ro blocked sinuses.

There is a lot more information at www.backpainloss.com



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