Tuesday, 2 June 2009

How will Reiki help back pain loss.

Hello again.
Welcome to no.2 in my series of complementary therapies and their effect, always good, on back pain.
There are many people with their own view, their "take" on Reiki. So heres one more.
I have felt for a long time that everything is energy, be it electricity going down wires, or a road train heading down the freeway. We are all composed of energy and at the sub atomic level science agrees. When you get below the smallest particle imaginable, when you break that particle up, what do you get? Lots of energy, not all of it good depending on the way it is released and the intention behind the release.
So, we are all energy and extreme back pain might be considered an energy blockage. Reflexologistd talk about energy pathways, Reiki practioners consider themselves channels, conduits for the flow of Universal energy. This energy, known as Chi ti the Chinese and Ki to the Japanese may be directed to help or hurt. In Reiki or Acupuncture the energy paths are utilised to heal the human body. The same energy is used in a Martial Art to hurt that same body.
But how it is used is irrelavant to a degree. A Reki practioner allows the energy to flow to where it is needed, a true "laying on of hands" to help someone in distress. It is a very spiritual system of healing, which some people, some men particularly are not comfortable with. If it helps your back pain, at least try it.
This is a non-intrusive system, the hands do not have to touch your skin and the process may be used as a distant healing technique.
Best of all I know it will help back pain. There are 2 types of client who dont lie and "tell" it how it is, children and animals. I have treated children and received a variety of positive comments, most along the lines of "thats nice" I did, however treat the dog of a family member. On a visit once I held the dogs paw and felt the heat going from me to her. I dont see lights, hear music, I ony feel the Ki going out, a reminder to me of my Martial Art days. The report I got back a few days later was that this elderly dog was running about as if she had lost a lot of years and was now young. The effect wore off after a week or so and she was the same old dog with artritis, till my next visit. Then the same behaviour was seen again. This lasted a few months till she succombed to the cancer I had not been told about.
So if you want to feel good, or trat a specific issue, like back pain, the visit your local Reiki practioner, you will feel relaxed and invigourated.
For more information go to www.backpainloss.com
Be well, Paul

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