Saturday, 25 October 2008

Does stress cause pain.

Hello again.
We are getting near November, and all the fireworks we have here in the UK. Also we seem to have adopted the habit of Nalloween.
One means a lot fun, bonfires and organised fire work displays on the one hand. On the other, a continuing set of bangs and whizzes on till December. The other event, Halloween, means a lot of strange children wandering the streets demanding food. As my grandaughter will be among them, however, I musnt complain, my wife, daughter and grandaughter have told me.
Seroiously though, this time of year may cause some people stress and tension, which may result in tight muscles, "nerves" giving pains from the lower back to the neck, shoulders, head even the arms. But you may say, stress is with us all the time, as is pain. So what came first, the stress and tension, or pain? Obviously, the stress creeps up on us as we grow older, starts at school, at work, even in relationships.
Tolose the pain, lose the stress. Relaxation and an attitude of mind seem to me to be the answer.
How do you relax? there are a range of thereapies that willrelax you, plus my personal favourite at the moment TM, meditation, goes a bit further, a bit deeper.
If you would like some more ideas on how to become a stress buster yourself, take a look at


Matt said...

Hello Paul,

Im writing you in regard to exchanging links with your site and hope you will consider my proposal. I happened to come across your site and I actually
have one that's related to yours and I thought it would be beneficial for us to do a blogroll link exchange. Please let me know if you're
interested and I'll put your link up right away.

All I would need to know if your desired link, and anchor text. I will return with my information.

As always, they would be follow links.

Additionally, I have sites in many categories that we could exchange on.

Thanks you for your time and I truly hope to hear back from you.

send me your link and the anchor text you want, and I'll get back to you.


rimfiregroup [at] gmail

paul said...

Sorry for not getting back to you Matt, no excuse. Sounds like a good idea, I will get back to you soon with details.