Monday 6 October 2008

Back care and Gardening.

Back care and Gardening is aimed to help you get the maximum pleasure from your hobby, whilst looking after one of your most important gardening tools – your back! Gardening is one of the greatest pleasures for an ever increasing number of people, at many different levels of interest. If you already suffer with back pain then you should take extra care to protect yourselves. Remove, or at least limit the amount of physical labour that affects you back and tires you, especially maintaining lawns and flower beds.

Choose plants that give plentiful ground cover, reduce the need for back. Or use substitutes like bark, or compost, even peat. This not only reduces weeds, but also retains moisture. Another good idea is to plant raised beds great for those with painful back problems. The recommended width for a raised bed is a maximum of 4 feet and an approximate height of 2 – 3 feet. You do not have to use purpose built beds, improvise and use such items as water tanks, old workbenches as a base, tubs and boxes. As long as they are the right height for you, then you are set. Obviously seek some help in setting up your raised beds.

When using a greenhouse check that the workbenches are right and comfortable for you, reduce bending to a minimum. You can sit if you like, but make sure any seats are at the correct height. Any tools you use should do the job they are required for. The right tools for you will reduce any effort required. Make sure that the weight height and balance are right for you. Any good garden centre will carry a wide range of tools and will be happy to provide any advice required.

Look at the range of tools available, visit more than one outlet to compare products. There are lightweight, long handled tools with a mechanical action to help with any digging, hoeing and the like. Digging is probably the heaviest task you will face in the average garden. Hard digging by a gardener not in his prime will result in back pain, always work slowly. Keeling over for long periods strains the back as does bending. Use kneeling seats with handles, or kneel on a cushion when working.

This is great information, if you are active, fit and mobile. If however back pain has robbed you of one simple pleasure, what do you do?

If you love to garden yet suffer back pain, do you want to garden yet back pain stops this healthy exercise? Then go now to and garden again.

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