Monday 12 January 2009

Stiff as a board

Here is a short areicle from live journal.
"After a day of shoveling and housework yesterday I managed to wrench my back pretty bad but after some meds and a heating pad I was felling pretty good until I went to bed. I awoke this morning barely able to move, my back had tensed up over night and made me as stiff as a board. Every move I make brings tears to my eyes, the pain is excruitating and made 10 times worse by kids who want to climb all over me and not listen to a word I say. I have taken countless medications today from tylenol and ibporfen all the way to a muscle relaxor. I have used ice packs and heating pads. I have even used topical pain relieveing gels like Biofreeze and still can barely move. And then the news so kindly informs me that we are under a winter weather watch until Tuesday morning which means more snow and more shoveling. The even thought of more snow makes me want to cry, I do not know if my body can take another another round of shoveling so soon. It hurts to move and I know I have to go to work tomorrow as I have things that need to get done."
Dont overexert yourself and expect to be fine next day
As usual if you want more related info, goto
Be well

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